
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

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Sunday, October 28, 2007
Again, a quote, because I do not wish to waste precious brain function on using my own words to describe current predicaments. I'll leave that to the words of others. The above is a quote from J. R. R. Tolkien and damn that man knew how to write. I know the entire LOTR phenomenon was pumped up with celebrity excitement, but the original literature is amazing. Tolkien not only wrote a captivating epic journey, he created an entire culture. Nay, an entire world.

So this really has nothing to do with nanowrimo but the quote does sum up how I feel about writing my stories. I keep thinking what I need is time, or inspiration, or whatever but I think mainly I need a kick in the ass.

Anywho, my efforts in eliminating story options are not going as planned. I've actually come up with another story I've been thinking about writing for a little while. It's about a girl named Jayden Lowe who runs a moving company for the rich and famous. It's basically just a story about how she deals with subordinating to fame and the crazy celebrities she encounters. It'll be called "Jay Lowe and High: Mover of the Stars". Her name is a play on J-Lo who I think I may work into the story.


lint said...

My opinion about the sci-fi comedy has not wavered!!