
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007
The above quote is from T. S. Eliot's "The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock" and it basically sums up how I feel about approaching NaNoWriMo.

What is NaNoWriMo? It stands for "National Novel Writing Month" and occurs each November as aspiring novelist attempt to complete a 50 000 word novel within a month. The story doesn't have to be perfect...hell, I bet half these things aren't even read. The point is to commit to it and do it.

My problem is not the commitment or the pressure of completing such a feat in a month's time. My problem is that I don't know what to write! I have so many ideas bouncing around each other in my mind that it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to choose one. I can't even sort out my thoughts when it comes to the stories I've already started. Basically, it comes down to 3 potential candidates for NaNoWriMo:

1. Another Silent Hill fanfiction. Having already written one (that I found to be quite successful on the FanfictiondotNet circuit and brilliantly hailed by my partner-in-crime Mel) I feel that writing another should not be a hard feat. In fact, the one I wrote happens to be the only story of any worthy caliber that I have completed. "In My Restless Dreams" used Alice in Wonderland as a vehicle for driving plot and creating characters. This time I would love to tackle Through the Looking Glass and base an entire SH fic on a chess game. I'll probably call it "Room of Angel" after my favorite SH song.

2. A Douglas Adams meets Red Dwarf-esque Sci Fi comedrama. I've already titled it "Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe: The Adventures of Deeva & Evalita" and have begun making notes on characters, setting, etc. It's about a girl named Evalita and her talking cat Deeva who wind up far away from home after a week of binge drinking. The story will pretty much focus on their adventures and the people they meet as they head home. Not horribly original...just a reason to write something damn hilarious.

3. "Scotia's Place", a story that will combine my vast knowledge of basic psychology and a dream I had a couple of years ago. It'll be about a girl named Scotia who, through vehicular circumstance, winds up meeting a man named Greg who lives in a shoddy house by a lake and fixes boat motors for a living. They fall in love while her car is being fixed, blah blah blah, until one day she wakes up and finds him gone. Not wanting to leave the shoddy residence, Scotia sticks around until days become weeks, weeks to years, etc. and so on. She eventually transforms the place into a little store (called "Scotia's Place"... yay title tie-in!) and settles in until Greg returns. Scotia comes to find out that Greg isn't really Greg, but a big city lawyer named Kyle who ended up at the lake during a fit of dissociative fugue...and from here it's a little hazy. They'll probably end up back in love and live happily ever after. Oh, and Scotia is named after the girl in the song "My Town" by Glass Tiger.


lint said...

I like the idea of "Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe", although it is not going to be a serious novel, I think you could still eventually get it published. I guess I just like the idea of reading your version of a Douglas Adams style book.