
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Nine days in and I've only just now fallen behind in my word count. That's not so bad, considering it's Friday and I have all weekend to catch up. Seeing as evenings after work are not prime writing time, I decided to take a moment to research what makes a good Romance novel. I figure if I can determine what makes one good then I can work on moving my story forward.

Right now it's boring. I'm bored just writing it. This is not a good sign. Sure, I can push through to 50 000 words and struggle past the inane, but I can't see that happening if I'm not interested in the plot. So I'm going to find out what I'm missing in my narrative and use that knowledge to drive the plot and reignite inspiration.

The problem is that this method makes me want to scrap my story and start over. Thankfully my NaNo angel is bitch-slapping the shit out of my inner editor at this point. I'm 9 days in, it's too late, so my editor can fuck off. I have to focus on using what I learn to move forward and I'll fix the crap I've written later on...after November.

This bit of introspection has led me to establish these basic NaNoWriMo rules:

1. No going-backsies. What is written cannot be touched.
2. Keep on truckin'. If life gets you down, Hakuna Matata the shit out of this thing.
3. Ignore the editor and it will go away.
4. Let go of the little failures, look at the big win.

And that's all I've got. Now I'm going to go back to researching, listening to romantic music and playing solitaire.