
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

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Thursday, May 4, 2006
The Night of May 3, 2006

The dream started with me getting ready to work an overnight shift at a local group home (which I actually have to do this weekend). Mom was driving me and I had to be there at 8pm. Mom asked me to French braid her hair, but I didn’t know how, so she berated me. Meanwhile, I’m trying to get my stuff ready but all I can find to take is an apple and a bottle of water, so I ask Mom to stop at Subway so I can get a sub (since I didn’t have supper). She hums and haws and by the time we leave the house (in Grand Bay) it’s 7:45. At this point, once we get in the car, we’re screaming at each other…she’s telling me I’m a smart ass and I have an attitude problem (my brother is in the car at this point and wants to tell me about a jacket he bought…I’m too mad to talk to him.) Mom has to stop at the Irving to put air in her tires and just to further anger me she takes her time. I watch her walk over to a couple of guys standing by a fence and start to chat, so I get out of the car and run over to her, ready to tell her off for wasting time (it’s now 9:35). I’m embarrassed as I realize the woman I saw approach the fence is not my mother, so I run into the bog behind the Irving. Rope has been used to block off areas of the bog I’m not allowed to go into, but I do anyways. I jump across rocks and tree trunks to avoid stepping in water. Eventually I make it to a river and watch as a shark’s fin glides by. Frightened, I try to get away from the shark and back to the Irving. The shark jumps out of the water and flies into the trees, so I start running. I make it to an area of old buildings that looked like an old uptown area (the narrator in my head is telling me that these buildings are fake and any dwellers seen are really scientists…it’s a secret facility). I start opening doors and running through them until I reach the office of a scientist that freakily resembled Dr. Zimbardo (any psyc students reading this will know who he is…think prison study). I told him about the shark that flew out of the water and he told me that they managed to evolve people from sharks. He showed me a wall of pictures of people I knew who had been evolved from sharks (included here were old childhood friends and Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle, and others). He then tried to give me a book by Alexander Dumas (in real life, he’s the one who wrote The Count of Monte Cristo) called “Another Love” or something like that. I took the book and left. When I opened a door I thought would take me back to the Irving I ended up stuck on a ledge outside the building. It started to pour rain. I met up with Mom (with whom I was no longer fighting), Lisa, Melanie, Samara (the freaky girl from The Ring) and some boy-child (I’m thinking Aiden from The Ring…funny, I haven’t watched that movie in a really long time). We’re trying to stay on this ledge and make our way along the building. We find a door that says something like, “Light a flame and get food rations.” Mom lights a match and throws it through a small hole in the door. Something snaps and ignites and in the distance a package falls to the ground. We all jump off the ledge and find the package. Inside are numerous wicker baskets filled with food. Also, there’s this little creature alien thing the size of a cat (it was something I remembered from the book Zimbardo gave me). It was creepy looking, but cute, so I kept it in a basket. It kept struggling to get free, so I let it go and it chased a cat into the distance. I was sad because I thought I wouldn’t see it again, so I ate. It did come back and ate some cucumber and turkey. After we were done eating, the creature turned into a man wrapped in plastic (Plasticman, we called him after that). Together, we all tried to get back to the Irving. Instead, we ended up in an American Idol competition. For some reason, Lisa was allergic to anything relating to American Idol, so she broke out in a rash. We performed a song (except for Plasticman, since you couldn’t really hear him when he talked) and I think we did pretty well. We left the competition and made our way back into the “fake” buildings. We found a room with a table in it, and suddenly I was Plasticman (which was rather uncomfortable). Then the phone rang and woke me up.

I don't eat anything before I go to bed, so you tell me. o.O