
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

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Friday, May 5, 2006
The Night of May 4, 2006

The dream started out with Paris Hilton coming to my house as part of her Simple Life tour. She had just won a Golden Globe for her show (ha, ha, only in a dream) and was accompanied by her younger sister (?). We were walking around Grand Bay when we ran into Lisa, Kim and Morgan. We said "hi" but they kept on walking and left me there. I was sad, so Paris and I went back to my house where my Mom was preparing this huge dinner for that night. I went downstairs and found Lisa playing videogames and Kim talking on the phone. I told them they had to come up and help with supper but Kim told me to go away because she was talking to her sister. I stormed back upstairs and started tidying up the livingroom. Kim came up and I told her that if her and Lisa wanted to come over and play videogames, they were going to have to help around the house. People start showing up for supper and alot of them brought their dogs. Morgan brought her dog Sam (Sam the black lab, not Sam the beagle) and a smaller black dog named Abby (I have just realized this was the name of one of my landlord's dogs when I lived in the apartment from hell on Havelock). My Papa brought his old toy poodle Teddy (who has been dead for several years now). We were letting the dogs out before supper and Morgan's dog kept running away. Finally we sat down to eat (btw, the supper was for my graduation)...there were bbq chicken legs, salads and other yummy foods. The best part was the desserts my Papa's wife Leona brought...I can't even describe them, but they were delish. I remember one dessert though...it was a "Make your own Pie" type ordeal where you got a mini pie crust and put your own filling in it (my dreams are so inspirational :P I had a banana cream pie). After dinner it was time for the competition...apparently. We all got a sheet of paper with event options so we got to pick what events we competed in. I chose one where we had to take blankets and drape them over things in the back yard to make a tree sculpture. The last event I did, and the one I had most trouble with, was to make little sculptures out of chewing gum. At first I thought it would be easy and I made a little dolphin, but everyone else was making these elaborate sculptures, as if they were using clay. I try to do my best, but as I was working on a Hello Kitty sculpture time ran out. So I pulled from the event...I didn't even submit my dolphin. Jason Lee and the Trailer Park Boys tried to help by adding decorative food products to my dolphin, but it still looked like crap. Paris didn't compete in the game so I didn't feel bad for dropping out. I think the dream kind of trails off from there but I do remember thinking throughout the entire dream: "This is my dream, I don't want Paris Hilton here." But she was persistent.

Here are a few random things I remember that didn't fit into the dream:

- Paris' Golden Globe was this really gaudy looking necklace.
- At one point Paris was doing voice recording for a cartoon
- Paris owned a pug
- There was a sequence in which I was playing a racing game on the playstation and the system was hooked up through my surround sound...this, my friends, will someday be a reality
- My uncle Wayne was present in my dream...twice...at the same time. One had long hair and one had short hair.
- Even though I kept waking up from the dream, when I went back to sleep I returned to it. And Paris was still there.