
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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Monday, December 10, 2012
Recently I was perusing my DeviantArt account and went back through some old journal entries. I realized something recondite about the internet and the various ways we can chronicle our inner-most thoughts almost simultaneously across varying channels...then I kind of forgot what the deeper purpose to that realization was. Instead I decided to clear out my DA journal and condense my widespread thought-scat into one pile.

So here is a collection of some old and archaic posts from DA and potentially other sources.

[5 Things] if i could i would... 

Aug 17, 2005, 8:51:34 PM

If I could I would...

1. ...write a novel so awesome that it would be adapted into a movie

2. ...run every morning

3. ...travel to europe with my husband every year

4. ...tell people what i really think without worrying what they would think of me

5 ...translate my thoughts, ideas and feelings into a functioning story or an image

...what would you do?

[5 Things] you may not know...

Sun Feb 12, 2006, 9:27 PM
5 Things You May Not Know About Me...

1. I am a geek. I know too much about Star Trek, Star Wars, LOTR, HP, Red Dwarf, Video Games, etc.

2. I don't think I could ever bring myself to go commando. Undies = Security = Comfort

3. I cry EVERYTIME I watch Big Fish.

4. I still sleep with a stuffed animal I've had since I was 3. Her name is Flurry.

5. Sometime I wish I could escape this world and live in my imagination.

What don't I know about you?

It's amazing how, after six years, all of these notions are still absolutely true. Except that I don't plan on visiting Europe with my husband because I don't have one anymore. Oh, boo.