
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

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Monday, November 26, 2012
I'd love to say that I haven't posted in this blog because I have been diligently working on my novel and keeping up with my daily word count. But I can't. Two weeks ago I couldn't wait until the month of November was over but now I wish I had two more weeks. After wasting about five whole days throughout the month not writing (partly due to a lung infection) I found myself facing this past weekend with a large undertaking: to catch up on almost 10 000 missed words.

Fortunately, due to the sheer will to succeed, I am only 4291 words behind today's daily word goal. But I am looking at 10 949 words to go until the end and, despite the encouraging words of fellow WriMos, this is seeming like a large undertaking. Luckily I have finally created a plot twist that will ensure a few more words to add to the count. Otherwise I spent the last week merely picking at already written scenes, trying to add more bulk to the story.

It's easy to say at this point that I have succeeded in surpassing all previous word counts from all previous attempts, but I find myself under more pressure due to this circumstance. If I make it so close and fail, it will feel more bitter than failing miserably.

So I strive on, adding what I can to a story I feel is doomed anyway. I guess at this point I'm writing for my own entertainment, somewhat curious how the characters end up where they are going (having already determined the conclusion of the story).

To any WriMos who are reading this blog, my advice to you is this: just keep going. Your story may suck and you may be bored out of your mind with it, but we are down to the final days. Now it's a matter of successfully submitting a word count as opposed to successfully creating a story. After the end of the month we have two options: re-work our drafts or shove it in a dark corner to be forgotten. Either way, if nothing comes of what we are writing, we can claim that we achieved something great. Something most of us probably never thought was possible.

Because even if it's shit, we wrote a novel in 30 days.