
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006
The Night of May 20, 2006

I’m not sure how the dream started but at one point Lisa, Kim and I were secret agents trying to steal a pendant from a group of big ninja girls. We got it, and I shoved in the pocket of my sweater. It was this opalescent jewel that made us dizzy whenever we looked into it (but we never did find out what it did or why it was so important). We were running away and ended up at the playground of Grand Bay Elementary. From there we jumped into our black Volkswagon Beetle (punch buggy, no punching back). We were driving away from the crazy ninja girls and realized that someone had put a tracking device on the car. So we pulled into an underground parking garage and went into this all-male gym. We told them that our brother had just died and that he loved coming to that gym and wanted to leave his car to them. So we gave them the keys and convinced them to take it for a test drive (apparently whoever we worked for had enough money to supply us with another car). We ran through the building that we parked under, but we were still being followed…not by freaky ninja chicks, but a mysterious man (who was Ewan McGregor, so I guess he wasn’t all that mysterious). We made it to a sort of Home Hardware store and we snuck into the employees only area where there was wood laying all over the place (by the way, this entire time I had no shoes on). I found a purple pair of those foamy shoes everyone is wearing (Lisa and Kim also had shoes in their respective colours, turquoise and pink) and apparently if we wore them, no one could see or hear us. So we snuck through all the wood and found an exit. We left the building, which was located right beside the ocean. I felt compelled to approach the water and I began to wade in. Also, this entire time, I had been lugging my Hello Kitty purse and two other totes. I tried to keep them dry as I waded waist deep into the water. Lisa and Kim followed and we made it to a McDonald’s themed amusement park. You could get on the rides from the water, so we all got onto a ride that resembled the teacups of DisneyWorld (there was also a ride that was like the Tilt-a-Whirl at the exhibition but the little cars were packets of French fries). We rode the ride and got off, and Ewan was there. He had found us, so we ran again. Suddenly, I ended up at Jay Set (a clothing store I used to work at and in the dream I don’t work there anymore) to visit Isabelle (a girl I used to work with there). My former manager was there and asked if I would help her set up a display on the back wall. I got up on the ladder and started to hang up clothes. This guy comes in and apparently he’s hired by the store to set up displays, so I think I can leave, but she tells him that I will help him. I’m like, Screw you, and go to leave. But then I end up helping this customer pick out an outfit. It’s like 8:55 and the store closes at 9, so I tell her she only has time to try on two outfits. She takes her sweet time and another employee and I end up staying late. The woman tried on one horrible outfit that was turquoise fleece over a purple turtleneck. Then she tried on a knit sweater in blues, oranges and yellows that had flowers on it with peach pants. Eventually she buys the clothes and my co-worker and I go to close the store and the huge ninja girls show up again, so I start running. That’s where the dream ended. I never did find Lisa and Kim again and we never delivered the pendant.