
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

I hate giving in to hype and commercialism, but there is something about the new year that I can't ignore. It's the beginning of a new calendar and logically this is the appropriate time to make life changes. What better way to track personal progress than to start at the beginning of the year?

I always make resolutions, and most of the time I do not keep them. Get in shape. Eat better. Quit this, start doing that. I'm tired of making myself promises every January and never seeing them come to fruition. I decided this year that I would task myself with specific goals rather than obscure resolutions.

So far I have decided to accomplish these things:

1. Learn at least one song on the piano.
2. Complete one painting every month.
3. FINISH a novel.
4. Paint an accent wall.
5. Read 50 books.

Are these life-changing promises? Maybe not, but they are things I do want to accomplish and a year in more than enough time to do so. And who knows...maybe I'll write a best-seller, or create a beautiful piece of art or simply enjoy my apartment a little more.