
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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Sunday, December 16, 2012
look mom! i'm using vectors!

May 30, 2007, 5:08:51 PM

so i took a hiatus from writing (and by "took a hiatus" i mean i ran out of ideas :() so i thought i would take up the wonderful art of vector drawing. i don't know that i'll ever return to hand tracing on psp! using vectors not only produces a smoother image but takes so much less time to create an outline (with colour filling no less!).

my attraction to vectors did not come without a purpose. i stumbled upon cafepress.com while perusing easy ways to make money (currently i am jobless in brantford and we are running out of money f*a*s*t*). brain juices started a-flowing and i realized that if i can create a catchy group of characters i may be able to sell their image on calenders, mugs and thongs without investing a cent!

so kyu_ti_gochikku was born. so far i have seven characters who each represent a different facet of the gothic subculture. i will be posting first draft images here for comments and critiques. so please, let me know what you think and how i can improve them! also let me know what you like about them, so i can feel good about myself. :P 

Look, Mom! This is back when I was very cool and didn't use capital letters!

look mom! i've neglected my blog!

Feb 7, 2008, 10:50:16 AM

Wow, so much has happened since my last journal entry! i found a new job and have settled into ontario quite nicely. i've been home once and have had family and friends down to visit since moving here. i participated in nanowrimo, started a blog, and saw the Spice Girls live in concert (i know, it doesn't really fit in there).

i'm back to revamping my silent hill fanfic. i gave it a new name and a new direction. check it out here: [link].

work keeps me busy so there is less time for art and writing. right now i'm focusing on my writing, since it's something i can do at work during down times.

anywho, this is not a terribly interesting journal posting. check out me blog, which i try to update regularly: [link].