
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Chelsy: yeah, but i was "the mist"...couldn't resist. inspired silent hill
Chelsy: i=it
melanie: well i didnt read that one so maybe it is good
Chelsy: probably not lolz
melanie: LULZ is the new lol
Chelsy: omg i am totally not cool anymore
Chelsy: lulz
Chelsy: i'm going tmake an even newer lol
Chelsy: lulllzayyyy
melanie: brian uses "ZULZ"
Chelsy: mine is way more dope
Chelsy: are the kids still saying "dope"? i dont even know...
melanie: no it doesnt even look anything like it could be "lol"
Chelsy: that's funny lulllzayyy
melanie: ok enough, yours sucks


melanie: you could correct your typo to make you look less like a retard =P
Chelsy: nah, that's the reality of it...my retardedness
Chelsy: i could've fixed your typos too lulllzzzyyyaaaxxx
melanie: you forgot the part where I said " the wigger kids do"
Chelsy: i thought it best to omit that...might cause controversy amongst the wigger kids
Chelsy: is it just me, or does my lol look like something from an aphex twin song?
Chelsy: lulllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx
melanie: haha it does if it was on druqz
Chelsy: i AM on druqz
melanie: i mean the album
Chelsy: oh, me too