
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

Blog Archive

Thursday, November 29, 2007

That is me spewing vituperations (oddly underlined and in blue, for reasons unknown...try clicking on it and seeing where it takes you). There is only one day left of nanowrimo and the results are in: I suck.

Well, I don't suck, since I did undertake this feat openly and without the use of force (Melanie: "Hey I'm doing nanowrimo" Me: "Hey, I think I will too") and I never gave up. Okay, so maybe I let my efforts slip a weeeee bit and was more than once guilty of self-uttering the excuse "What's the point in writing today? I'm not going to get 50 000 words anyways". I am ever the optimist.

But this exercise in forced writing taught me alot about my other story/brain child and mayhaps why its success is lacking. I'm hoping if I push through a good chunk of Deeva&Evalita then I can make a fresh start on story other.

I changed the name of this blog to pen name: NOIRNESS because: a. it sounds cool and b. I want to continue blogging about my writing beyond nanowrimo.

Anywho, let's see what happens by midnight tomorrow. *_#