
Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

Jessamyn West
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2013 Reading Challenge
noirness has read 8 books toward her goal of 50 books.

Blog Archive

Monday, September 3, 2012
Wow, it's been almost two years since my last post.

A quick word to the wise: If you can't think of a clever title to describe your post, use a quote. Nothing says "I can think for myself" better than using the words of others.

I've been thinking alot about my true calling in life. I'm 28 years old with an education stuck in a dead-end job that pays peanuts. Actually, I wish it did pay in peanuts. Then I'd have some food in my cupboard.

So when the chips are down and the times are tough (and they are) I always think about what it is I truly want to do with my life. I am certain I am not destined to work with Autistic children for the rest of my days. It's the best, most fulfilling job I've ever had but the logistics is that I will never get ahead financially. It's sad, because what we do everyday is more valuable than people realize. Yet I could make almost as much flipping burgers.

This is why, I think, I've turned back to writing. If I could paint a picture of my future self, she would be a successful novelist with developing aspirations to be involved in film-making. I remember 11 years ago when it came time to apply to university. I wanted to go to Toronto and enroll in film school. My parents warned that I should get a "real education" so that I could have a "real job" that paid "good money". Look at me now! I have a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology and I make squat. Whoop-ee-dee.

But I digress from the true purpose of this post, nay, this blog. I have been working diligently on my writing in hopes of making that future self a reality. I've been researching the potential of self-publishing and have been typing away at one of my stories. I've also decided to reinvolve myself in this blog. Again, I'm pretty sure no one reads it but the ability to spew my feelings and difficulties is cathartic.

I've changed the blog around a bit. I got rid of the old design and used a generic one provided by the lovely people of Blogger. I enjoy designing and coding my own blogs, but I didn't feel like spending 17 years on it. Also, I removed ALOT of old posts. I figured this was a great way to start fresh.

I guess this is just a little ramble about where I've been and where I'm at now. I plan on adding more posts to the "On Writing" section as I learn what the hell it is I am really doing. And I suspect there will be more distracting posts as well as I procrastinate from the task of writing anything.